Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Staying Balanced without a Zen Garden..........

 "Part of being sane is being a little bit crazy" - Janet Long

Is it even possible to stay completely sane and balanced without complete relaxation?  I don't know how some people survive a day. It is hard enough to get my child up, fed, dressed and out the door for school.  Then tackle my day of balancing work, laundry, cleaning, errands and carpool.  THEN topping it off with making dinner, getting my child fed, in the bath and to bed at a reasonable time.  At the end of this madness I might have an hour of time with my husband.

I only have ONE child.  One.

This past summer we were at the beach for the weekend with friends.  One of my close friends is the mother of 3.  They are roughly 6, 4 and 2 in age.  I say roughly because those are ages on their birthdays that are coming up.  From the time we arrived through the weekend she did not stop.  It was amazing.  I had never seen anything like it and I am one of three.  Between chasing after the baby, making sure that the big kids were playing nicely and the girls and boys were getting along and sharing she didn't sit.  The girl put together 4 kids lunches in 30 seconds flat without blinking an eye.  Bath time was amazing.  She literally had them all in and washed in less than a minute and thirty seconds.  I was amazed.  I quickly came to realize how easy I have it with one.  Now I know how she stays so thin :-)

People without children or spouses often wonder how you find time for each other, or your friends, family, anything but the everyday routine.  It's hard.  You have to plan.  You have to make plans with friends and keep them even when all you want to do is get in PJ pants and order chinese to watch American Idol.  Maybe sometimes crazy moms drink too much wine or have too much fun but it's all about finding balance.  You go balls to the wall in your everyday life, might as well keep up the trend, right?

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