Wednesday, October 2, 2013


"Working mothers are guinea pigs in a scientific experiment to show that sleep is not necessary to human life"

To say that we have been busy for the past few months is the understatement of the year.  First and foremost, we are all doing well.  Steuart had his major surgery in April at Children's Hospital of Alabama in Birmingham.  Everything went well and he has been fully recovered and is just perfect.  He is 10 months old now!!!  He is crawling everywhere, cruising like crazy and LOVES to jump.  His favorite word is "Da-da" and really only says "Ma-ma" when he needs something :-)  He is his fathers clone.  Hunter is amazing.  His personality is is unique and he is such a smart and funny child.  It has been a blessing to be his mother and watch him grow over the past 6 years.  I cannot believe he is 6 now!  He started first grade at UMS this fall and gets to wear a uniform to school that he refers to as his "grader suit."  He is playing soccer and LOVES science!  So far he has gotten all A's on his tests.

We spent a month in Maryland this past summer with my parents.  I was glad to be able to do that since we don't get to see them much.  Hunter went to Imagination Camp and had a blast.  We were also able to go to an Orioles game with my dad and catch up with family over the 4th of July.  It is always great to see my Aunt and Uncle as well as my cousins.  Hunter LOVES playing with cousin Zoe.

The fall has been busy in a good way.  My business has completely taken off and I love working again.  I feel very fortunate to be able to work from home and take care of my children but it is a challenge trying to balance everything.  I have the tendency to throw myself into my work to take care of my clients but in the process often work too much and that cuts in to family time.  I am working to find the right balance but it is, like many things are, a constant struggle.  I love what I do and enjoy doing it and that is very important.  It is a good problem to have and luckily I have had a lot of referrals and taken on several new clients.

We have one more surgery on the books for Steuart coming up in a couple weeks then (fingers crossed) we will be out of hospitals for a while.  It has been a long year and a half :-)

We have some wonderful friends and family who have been extremely supportive and helpful!  I know I would not have survived this time without them.