Saturday, March 9, 2013

Promise Yourself.........

"..........To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear and too happy to permit the presence of trouble......"  - Christian D. Larson

I made a new friend last week.  Shocker, I know.  But this friend has an idea of what we are going through with baby Steuart.  I know a lot of people can relate but it really is nice to have someone that you can ask questions and someone that can tell you what to pack for what could be over a week at a hospital.  We had dinner and wine and she came prepared with a list of so much of what I needed to take with me, where to stay, questions to ask and many warnings.  It has helped ease my mind on matters of logistics and specifics.  Of course the whole thing is scary but now I don't have to stress over whether or not I need to bring my own bottles.  And, although I would not wish it on anyone, it is nice to know someone else has been just as scared as you have been about their child.  

In six and a half weeks my little baby boy will not quite be 5 months old and will have major surgery to have half of a lung removed.  If I said it did not scare the hell out of me I would be lying my butt off.  At this point I have to completely trust the medical professionals we have entrusted to care for our baby, stay strong to keep things as normal as possible for Hunter, and hope and pray that everything goes well.  In the mean time I will likely have a few breakdowns and need a couple of wine nights with the girls........and maybe some date nights with the hub.  Anyone know if Veuve is traded on the NYSE?  Maybe I should buy stock now.