Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Dear God. Please Save these Girls.

So, I'm a reality TV junkie.  I watch Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2.  I'm not afraid to admit it.  It is on my DVR and for some reason is a guilty pleasure.
One thing I do not get is how these young women can see their lives unfold on national TV and not change them.  HELLO JANELL- HELLO CHELSEA.
Let's start with Janell just because her mother has a great accent.  It's so pleasing to the ears.  She bothers me the most.  She had a child at a young age and has chosen to be an absent fixture in the childs life.  She chooses partying, pot and her homeless, criminal boyfriend Keiffer over responsibility.  GROW UP HONEY.  You are 19 now.  Get your ass in school so you can make some money to support YOUR child.  It must be so hard and stressful to be her.  To live in your mothers house rent free AND have her care for your child.  Sleep until noon everyday, go out every night, not work, not go to school and get a new car.  Poor, poor girl.  Her life is so hard.  And how dare her mother as her to wake up early to care for HER child.  UGH.  The nerve.

And then there is Chelsea.  Oh, how I want to save this girl.  From her hair and herself.  First of all, enough with the animal prints, you are not on safari.  I wish she would take a couple weeks off from tanning and find out what her natural hair color is. She is a cute girl with a supportive family.  DUMP THE DOUCHE.  Adam sucks.  I cannot say enough how bad Adam sucks.  Guh- you are being emotionally and verbally abused.  Dr. Drew has told you, your best friend tells you and your father tells you ALL THE TIME.  He only comes back when his new flings end. You know, the ones he cheats on you with- yea, them.  What a freeloading jerk.  GROW UP ADAM.  At least she takes care of her child.  And doesn't go out partying all the time.  Props to Chelsea.  Now, let's do something about her hair.

Final thought- I hope Corey doesn't die of the black lung now that he wants to be a coal miner.  Guess that makes Ali and Aleah coal miners daughters.  In WVa.  How original.  At least he is working.  AND- Joe- really?  Complaining bc your baby momma files for child support.  To support YOUR child.  How dare she. Especially when you could use that money to fund your music career.  Good luck with that.   

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogging world, Scootie! I must say, I'm happy to see you here. I know you'll provide me with many laughs! Love the Teen Mom 2 recap - I have all the same thoughts! Be sure to follow my blog -

    Much love!
