Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Oh Summer! So much to do!

"Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language." ~Henry James

I cannot believe how busy we have been this summer! It has not stopped and will not until school starts again.

Most of our Scoot'n has been around town and not so much around the South.

Big news! I'm going to be completely outnumbered come December. Baby boy #2 has solidified my role as the minority in my house. At least I still have Maggie our female lab. Hunter cannot wait to have a little brother and I am very excited to get to use his clothes for another baby because so many of them were just too cute!

Other than trips to the pool and a random trip to Dauphin Island or the river we have been running like crazy. I'm still playing tennis and plan to until I have to wobble to stay in shape. The morning sickness is starting to back off a little and I'm getting more energy.

Today I head to Tucson, AZ for Kappa Alpha Theta Grand Convention and Hunter and Jason have boys weekend- no girls. Hunters rules. Then he and I head north!

So basically not much has happened. I'm a year older and growing daily ;-)