Friday, March 23, 2012

Rant On.........

"The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities." - Ayn Rand

I have a big issue with people being told how they should live their life. I certainly don't like it when it is expressed to me how I should live my life or raise my child. Because I do not like this, I do not do this to others. It is not, in any way, shape or form my job to pass judgement or tell another human how to live, who to love or how to worship if they feel the need to do so.

In my opinion there is a lot of wasted energy and time going towards issues that should not matter to the masses. Issues that concern individuals. Issues that will not bring war on American soil, make the economy collapse again or change health care.

A lot of you may not like what I have to say. I suggest that rather than arguing with my personal opinions on my blog you go ahead and stop reading now.

I DO NOT see what gay marriage has to do with politics. AT ALL. If two people want to marry and they are in love they should be afforded that right. I didn't have to get an act of congress passed to marry my husband. There is separation of church and state for a reason. If it is so "wrong in the eyes of God" it has no place in politics. In my opinion, of course. I know many homosexual couples that are in very committed relationships that are more functional than traditional marriages- by a long shot. If my friends want to get married for love I see NO reason they should not. I mean, really, people. If Jesus was so accepting, what do you really think JWD. I know children that have been raised by gay and lesbian couples and they are just as "normal" if not more so than any of my friends that had a mom and dad. Anybody can get married. It takes a deep commitment to have a marriage. Considering 50% of traditional marriages end in divorce- I don't see how the gays can do any worse. And, I don't see how my friends getting married will directly impact the quality of life of anyone else on the planet.

Second thought which I will not go far into- what I do to MY body has no direct impact on YOUR life. If I want to eat nothing but Whataburger for the rest of my days and attempt to break world records for weight gain and high cholesterol that is none of your damn business. Either is anything else.

I think it is completely wonderful that everybody has opinions. And we are afforded the freedom to express them. With that freedom of expression should come a certain level of respect for each other which I feel is lacking. You should not judge others based solely on the fact that they think differently than you do. Or believe in a different god or don't believe in anything at all. That is how they feel. And you have your feelings, thoughts and beliefs. I'm sure you wouldn't want people all up in your grill so think before you push yourself on someone else. Just because you disagree doesn't mean you are in the right. I have many friends that don't think exactly as I do. They are entitled to that. And I respect that. It's our differences that make each of us unique. If we were all the same we might as well be droid clones.

Just a few thoughts.

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