Saturday, April 27, 2013


After 9 months of worry, stress, fear and anxiety the moment we have been in pins and needles waiting for has finally arrived.  Steuart had his lung surgery on Thursday at Children's Hospital of Alabama in Birmingham.  We had an idea of what we were dealing with but were not 100% sure until the surgeon got in but now know exactly what it was.  He was diagnosed with a CCAM at 18 weeks gestation. At about 34 weeks the diagnosis was changed to a CCAM/ BPS hybrid as they found a feeder vessel from the Aorta to the mass.  The CT scan he had up here at about 3 months of age showed the mass still there, vessel still there but also showed a second vessel that hooked to the right lung.  They had never seen anything like that before.  They were under the impression that they were going to have to take the entire lower lobe of his left lung.  As it turns out the mass was not fully in his lung but was attached to his lung.  It was an extra lobar BPS.  They did not have to take as much of the lung because of this and were able to cut the blood supply to that vessel and cauterize it.  The second vessel as it turns out was not feeding a second mass- more good news.  Baby Steuart is doing well and is 5 months today.

The staff at Children's has been amazing.  We have had a wonderful experience here and although I am ready to be out of the hospital for a while, if we ever had to come back for Steuart or Hunter this is where I would want to be.

We have been on the special care floor since Thursday and may be moved to the surgical floor tomorrow which is a step down.  At this time they will likely remove his chest tube and then we should be able to come home on Monday.

I appreciate all of the support, thoughts, prayers, and kind words from everyone at this most stressful time.  I am very happy with the outcome and very glad to be able to put this behind us soon.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and thanks for checking on Steuart and the rest of us!

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