Friday, March 2, 2012

Kelli Gets Hitched!

"A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person." -Mignon McLaughlin

One of my favorite things about spring is that it kicks off wedding season in the south. This year I am fortunate enough to have three of my dearest friends get married in a 5 week window in very different yet very fabulous places.

Kelli was the first. She kicked off wedding season for me. There are few things I enjoy more than seeing my friends happy, and even more so, content. Kel has been a great friend of mine since college. We pledged Theta together in 1996 and lived in the sorority house together junior and senior year. She was in my wedding almost 8 years ago and is one of the girls from my pledge class I see annually on our girls trip to the beach.

She is an amazing and wonderful friend. The kind of friend that will let you make mistakes, but tells you when you are making them. And she is always there to pick you up when you fall. She has been for well over a decade and was instrumental in introducing me to my husband.

She too married a Jason. He could not be more perfect for her. If you were to write down on paper the characteristics of the perfect person for Kelli you would very literally be describing Jason. The very second our group of girlfriends met him on our beach trip to Seaside two years ago we all said- he is perfect for you- you have found the person you are going to marry.

And marry they did. Last weekend in a beautiful ceremony on the South Lawn at Alys Beach. Everything about that ceremony and reception was them. It was elegant yet very original, laid back and extremely fun with a dash of quirky. As I watched them take their vows I began to tear. Tears of happiness, of course, knowing that one of my besties has truly found her soulmate.

Next stop- Point Clear, Alabama for the wedding of a girl I have known since the ripe ole age of 3!

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