Thursday, January 19, 2012

Tennis Anyone?

So.......a couple of years ago I decided to get back into tennis.  March of 2010 actually.  Since there are no adult field hockey or lacrosse leagues here I needed a sport I enjoy to play.  I had taken up golf a few years ago and love it but it gets expensive and takes SO LONG.  And, you obviously don't burn many calories while you are riding from hole to hole and drinking beer.  I had tried training for a half marathon but with 2 ACL surgeries under my belt that didnt work so well.  SO- tennis it was. 

One of my girlfriends (Margaret) and I decided to split a private lesson once a week for more one on one instruction.  Unfortunately, a few months later, while playing at the tennis center I tore the ACL on my "good knee" and back to surgery I went.  Completely sidelined for what seemed like forever.  Want to hear about irony?  Try coming home from the er on memorial day weekend to find all the tennis clothes you ordered online on your front doorstep while you are on crutches. 

So, surgery in August and then rehab meant no tennis for a while.

I decided that I should continue in September 2011.  I found a group to do a beginners clinic with me so that I could ease my way back into it.  My skills needed some work and I really needed to take my time getting back into feeling comfortable on the court.  After all, I had a new racquet that had only been used twice- should put that bad boy to work!  After a couple of clinics it was time to find a team to play on.  Luckily, my friend (Jan) was looking to start one in a 2.5 winter USTA league.  SCORE!

We started play a couple of weeks ago.  I had never played doubles so I was super nervous going into this winter season but as I have gotten more and more used to it I find that I am much more comfortable and my confidence is improving.  I definitely don't suck as badly as I thought I would and LOVE playing doubles now!  I cannot get enough. 

I get to wear those adorable outfits I bought a while back, use that racquet and as of late I have even been able to dig out the Under Armour cold gear.  I'm getting used to sharing the court and communicating with my partner and even my serve is improving.  I am having a BLAST!

My friend Brandy that plays 3.5 and has been playing for a couple years now told me that I would get the tennis bug and she was OH SO CORRECT.  All I want to do is play tennis.  Rather than work out on an elliptical I would LOVE to get on a court and I get very excited for practices and matches.  It is just what I have been looking for and I cannot wait to improve and get more competitive. As an added bonus the attire is wonderful!

Now, the challenge..........finding people to play with all the time :-)

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