Monday, February 22, 2016

Another Mardi Gras In The Books......THANK GOD

"Happiness is when you feel good about yourself without feeling the need for anyone else's approval"

Another Mardi Gras has come and gone. I always get so excited when it is almost here but I am SO GLAD when it is over. SO MANY PARTIES! We are fortunate to live in a place that celebrates something so extravagantly for an extended period of time. This year, Carnival came early. Pretty much right after Christmas. There was no break. That made for an exhausting couple of months. 

Last year I was a few months post partum. I had Hooper in October and was still nursing and had gained weight and had ridiculous boobs. I will never again have boobs like that again. Let's mourn the loss of the huge au natural tatas. Moving on...... I was SO SELF CONSCIOUS. I was wearing industrial strength spanx to EVERYTHING. I was wearing size 12 gowns. I was bloated. I was large. I was so uncomfortable with myself that I hated every second of it. That's pretty much how it has been the past few years. And I make a plan to lose weight and eat better and that is all it is, a plan. 

WELL......this year Cinderella got to go to the ball! Lots of balls and play dress up. I enjoyed every second of dressing for balls and parties this year. The only problem I really ran in to was that my dress for the KOR reception was a size 6 and two sizes too BIG. Yep, it was large and it was a size 6. I was able to pick out gowns this year that I WANTED to wear. Not things I had to wear because they would hide my ass or my mom belly. That is an amazing feeling. I have not been able to wear clothing that I enjoy wearing in a long time and now I can fit in great designer clothes and I love every second of it. 

I still have a little way to go but I am getting there. A little bit every day. Seeing the photos of myself from last mardi gras compared to this mardi gras was a HUGE confidence boost. The best thing I ever did was take the first step. I now have a body I am comfortable in. I feel better from the inside out. I have a growing business. I have jeans that I love and I have muscles!!!! Pretty soon I will be able to bounce a quarter off my ass. Thank you, Hammer and Chisel for that. 

I've been so motivated and have loved these beachbody programs so much that I have decided to get certified as a personal trainer AND get certified in sports nutrition! I love it. I really do and being passionate about something for ME is amazing. It has given me a new sense of purpose and a drive that isn't slowing any time soon. I cannot wait to see how far I can take this!

NOTHING and I mean NOTHING tastes as good as fit feels!